Why Wicklow

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Skilled Workforce

One of the biggest attractions of County Wicklow is its highly skilled workforce, perfect for growing businesses.

Wicklow Skills Strategy 2024 - 2030

County Wicklow is a great place to live, work, visit and do business in.  As one of the most rapidly growing counties in Ireland, Wicklow has unlimited business potential, some of which can be seen through the significant expansion and development the County has undergone in recent years.  Yet, the availability of skilled workers is key to maintaining competitiveness and attracting investment to the County.

The aim of this Skills Strategy is to ensure that County Wicklow will continue to develop the necessary skills to capitalise on emerging employment opportunities by facilitating the development of an adequate suply of sufficiently skilled labour that should be available in Wicklow over the coming years to maximise potential growth across the county's key economic sectors.

Follow the link below to the Wicklow Skills Strategy 2024 - 2030:

Skilled Workforce

Wicklow has a talented pool of labour and a highly skilled workforce. University College Dublin, the largest university in the country, and Carlow Institute of Technology are located in close proximity and provide talented graduates in a diverse range of sectors. Wicklow County Campus, a unique venture developed in conjunction with the IT Carlow, offers higher education and enterprise development courses on a single campus in the county at Rathnew with a specific enterprise/research and development focus.

Outside of Dublin, Wicklow ranked first for the highest proportion (21%) of population for educational attainment (Degree, Post grad, PhD). As outbound commuters account for 44% of the workforce, there is significant opportunity for businesses establishing in Co. Wicklow to tap into a highly qualified professional labour force seeking to work locally.

Source: Wicklow Economic and Community Monitor 2016