
Living  /  Documents  /  Documents  /  Your Councillors

Your Councillors

  1. [File type .]

  2. [File type .]

  3. StateOfPoll BrayWest Count7

    [File type .pdf]

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  4. StateOfPoll Arklow Count5

    [File type .pdf]

    Related documents and info

  5. StateOfPoll Arklow Count7

    [File type .pdf]

    Related documents and info

  6. 1Bray West LEA Results Sheet

    [File type .pdf]

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  7. StateOfPoll Greystones Count10

    [File type .pdf]

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  8. StateOfPoll Greystones Count9

    [File type .pdf]

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  9. Cllr. Irene Winters

    [File type .pdf]

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  10. StateOfPoll Greystones Count11

    [File type .pdf]

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  11. StateOfPoll Baltinglass Count9

    [File type .pdf]

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  12. StateOfPoll Arklow Count6

    [File type .pdf]

    Related documents and info

  13. 1Bray East Lea Results Sheet

    [File type .pdf]

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  14. StateOfPoll Greystones Count8

    [File type .pdf]

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  15. 1Arklow LEA Results Sheet

    [File type .pdf]

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  16. StateOfPoll Greystones Count7

    [File type .pdf]

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  17. 1Greystones LEA Results Sheet

    [File type .pdf]

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  18. 1Baltinglass LEA Results Sheet

    [File type .pdf]

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  19. StateOfPoll BrayWest Count8

    [File type .pdf]

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  20. StateOfPoll BrayWest Count6

    [File type .pdf]

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  21. StateOfPoll Baltinglass Count10

    [File type .pdf]

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  22. 1Wicklow LEA Results Sheet

    [File type .pdf]

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  23. StateOfPoll Arklow Count8

    [File type .pdf]

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  24. StateOfPoll Wicklow Count9

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  25. Cllr. Anne Ferris

    [File type .pdf]

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  26. Cllr. Anne Ferris-3

    [File type .pdf]

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  27. Cllr. Vincent Blake

    [File type .pdf]

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  28. Capital Programme 2017 - 2019 covering letter

    [File type .pdf]

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  29. Capital Programme 2017-2019

    [File type .pdf]

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  30. StateOfPoll Arklow Count1

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  31. StateOfPoll Arklow Count2

    [File type .pdf]

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  32. StateOfPoll Arklow Count3

    [File type .pdf]

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  33. StateOfPoll Arklow Count4

    [File type .pdf]

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  34. StateOfPoll Baltinglass Count1

    [File type .pdf]

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  35. StateOfPoll Baltinglass Count2

    [File type .pdf]

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  36. StateOfPoll Baltinglass Count3

    [File type .pdf]

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  37. StateOfPoll Baltinglass Count4

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  38. StateOfPoll Baltinglass Count5

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  39. StateOfPoll Baltinglass Count6

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  40. StateOfPoll Baltinglass Count7

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  41. StateOfPoll Baltinglass Count8

    [File type .pdf]

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  42. StateOfPoll BrayEast Count1

    [File type .pdf]

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  43. StateOfPoll BrayEast Count2

    [File type .pdf]

    Related documents and info

  44. StateOfPoll BrayEast Count3

    [File type .pdf]

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  45. StateOfPoll BrayEast Count4

    [File type .pdf]

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  46. StateOfPoll BrayEast Count5

    [File type .pdf]

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  47. StateOfPoll BrayEast Count6

    [File type .pdf]

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  48. StateOfPoll BrayEast Count7

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  49. StateOfPoll BrayWest Count1

    [File type .pdf]

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  50. StateOfPoll BrayWest Count2

    [File type .pdf]

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  51. StateOfPoll BrayWest Count3

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  52. StateOfPoll BrayWest Count4

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  53. StateOfPoll Greystones Count1

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  54. StateOfPoll Greystones Count2

    [File type .pdf]

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  55. StateOfPoll Greystones Count3

    [File type .pdf]

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  56. StateOfPoll Greystones Count4

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  57. StateOfPoll Greystones Count5

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  58. StateOfPoll Greystones Count6

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  59. StateOfPoll Wicklow Count1

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  60. StateOfPoll Wicklow Count2

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  61. StateOfPoll Wicklow Count3

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  62. StateOfPoll Wicklow Count4

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  63. StateOfPoll Wicklow Count5

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  64. StateOfPoll Wicklow Count6

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  65. StateOfPoll Wicklow Count7

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  66. StateOfPoll Wicklow Count8

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  67. Annual Payments Jan - Mar 2017

    [File type .pdf]

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  68. Conferences attended 2015

    [File type .pdf]

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  69. Conferences attended 2016

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  70. Conferences Attended Jan - Mar 2017

    [File type .pdf]

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  71. Councillor Conferences Attended January - December 2017

    [File type .pdf]

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  72. Councillor Monthly Payments January - December 2017

    [File type .pdf]

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  73. Councillor Training 2016

    [File type .pdf]

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  74. Final analysis of remuneration attendance and membership

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  75. Jan - Jun 2017 monthly

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  76. Jan - June 2017 conferences

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  77. Mobile Phone Expenses 2015

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  78. Total Annual 2016- annual payments

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  79. Total Annual Payments 2015

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  80. Total Annual Payments 2016

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  81. Training Attended 2015

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  82. Cllr. B. Thornhill

    [File type .pdf]

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  83. Cllr. C. Fox

    [File type .pdf]

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  84. Cllr. D. Mitchell

    [File type .pdf]

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  85. Cllr. D. Nolan

    [File type .pdf]

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  86. Cllr. D. O'Brien

    [File type .pdf]

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  87. Cllr. E. Timmins

    [File type .pdf]

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  88. Cllr. G. Dunne

    [File type .pdf]

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  89. Cllr. G. McLoughlin

    [File type .pdf]

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  90. Cllr. G. O'Neill

    [File type .pdf]

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  91. Cllr. G. Walsh

    [File type .pdf]

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  92. Cllr. I. Winters

    [File type .pdf]

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  93. Cllr. J. Behan

    [File type .pdf]

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  94. Cllr. J. Ruttle

    [File type .pdf]

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  95. Cllr. J. Ryan

    [File type .pdf]

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  96. Cllr. J. Snell

    [File type .pdf]

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  97. Cllr. J. Whitmore

    [File type .pdf]

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  98. Cllr. M. Kavanagh

    [File type .pdf]

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  99. Cllr. M. McDonald

    [File type .pdf]

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  100. Cllr. M. Murphy

    [File type .pdf]

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  101. Cllr. N. Lawless

    [File type .pdf]

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  102. Cllr. O. O'Brien

    [File type .pdf]

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  103. Cllr. P. Doran

    [File type .pdf]

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  104. Cllr. P. Fitzgerald

    [File type .pdf]

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  105. Cllr. P. Kennedy

    [File type .pdf]

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  106. Cllr. P. Vance

    [File type .pdf]

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  107. Cllr. S. Bourke

    [File type .pdf]

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  108. Cllr. S. Cullen

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  109. Cllr. S. Matthews

    [File type .pdf]

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  110. Cllr. T. Annesley

    [File type .pdf]

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  111. Cllr. T. Cullen

    [File type .pdf]

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  112. Cllr. T. Fortune

    [File type .pdf]

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  113. Cllr. V. Blake

    [File type .pdf]

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  114. M. O'Connor

    [File type .pdf]

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  115. Cllr. Anne Ferris

    [File type .pdf]

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  116. Cllr. Avril Cronin

    [File type .pdf]

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  117. Cllr. Derek Mitchell

    [File type .pdf]

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  118. Cllr. Dermot O'Brien

    [File type .pdf]

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  119. Cllr. Edward Timmins

    [File type .pdf]

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  120. Cllr. Gail Dunne

    [File type .pdf]

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  121. Cllr. Gerard O'Neill

    [File type .pdf]

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  122. Cllr. Gerry Walsh

    [File type .pdf]

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  123. Cllr. Grace McManus

    [File type .pdf]

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  124. Cllr. Jennifer Whitmore

    [File type .pdf]

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  125. Cllr. Jodie Neary

    [File type .pdf]

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  126. Cllr. Joe Behan

    [File type .pdf]

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  127. Cllr. John Mullen

    [File type .pdf]

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  128. Cllr. John Snell

    [File type .pdf]

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  129. Cllr. Lourda Scott

    [File type .pdf]

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  130. Cllr. Mags Crean

    [File type .pdf]

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  131. Cllr. Mary Kavanagh

    [File type .pdf]

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  132. Cllr. Melanie Corrigan

    [File type .pdf]

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  133. Cllr. Miriam Murphy

    [File type .pdf]

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  134. Cllr. Pat Fitzgerald

    [File type .pdf]

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  135. Cllr. Patrick Kennedy

    [File type .pdf]

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  136. Cllr. Patsy Glennon

    [File type .pdf]

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  137. Cllr. Paul O'Brien

    [File type .pdf]

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  138. Cllr. Peir Leonard

    [File type .pdf]

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  139. Cllr. Rory O'Connor

    [File type .pdf]

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  140. Cllr. Shay Cullen

    [File type .pdf]

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  141. Cllr. Steven Matthews

    [File type .pdf]

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  142. Cllr. Sylvester Bourke

    [File type .pdf]

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  143. Cllr. Tom Fortune

    [File type .pdf]

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  144. Cllr. Tommy Annesley

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  145. Clllr. Brendan Thornhill

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  146. Cllr. Christopher Fox 0

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  147. Cllr. Daire Nolan 0

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  148. Cllr. Derek Mitchell 0

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  149. Cllr. Edward Timmins 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  150. Cllr. Gail Dunne 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  151. Cllr. Gerard O'Neill 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  152. Cllr. Grainne McLoughlin 0

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  153. Cllr. Irene Winters 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  154. Cllr. James Ruttle

    [File type .pdf]

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  155. Cllr. James Ruttle

    [File type .pdf]

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  156. Cllr. Jennifer Whitmore 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  157. Cllr. Joe Behan 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  158. Cllr. John Ryan 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  159. Cllr. John Snell 0

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  160. Cllr. Mary Kavanagh 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  161. Cllr. Mary McDonald 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  162. Cllr. Michael O'Connor 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  163. Cllr. Miriam Murphy 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  164. Cllr. Nicola Lawless 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  165. Cllr. Oliver O'Brien 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  166. Cllr. Pat Doran 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  167. Cllr. Pat Fitzgerald 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  168. Cllr. Pat Vance 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  169. Cllr. Patrick Kennedy 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  170. Cllr. Shay Cullen 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  171. Cllr. Steven Matthews 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  172. Cllr. Sylvester Bourke 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  173. Cllr. Tom Fortune 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  174. Cllr. Tommy Annesley

    [File type .pdf]

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  175. Cllr. Vincent Blake 0

    [File type .pdf]

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  176. Cllr.Thomas Cullen

    [File type .pdf]

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  177. Cllr. Anne Ferris

    [File type .pdf]

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  178. Cllr. Aoife Flynn Kennedy

    [File type .pdf]

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  179. Cllr. Avril Cronin

    [File type .pdf]

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  180. Cllr. Grace McManus

    [File type .pdf]

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  181. Cllr. John Mullen

    [File type .pdf]

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  182. Cllr. Lourda Scott

    [File type .pdf]

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  183. Cllr. Margaret Crean

    [File type .pdf]

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  184. Cllr. Melanie Corrigan

    [File type .pdf]

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  185. Cllr. Patsy Glennon

    [File type .pdf]

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  186. Cllr. Paul O'Brien

    [File type .pdf]

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  187. Cllr. Peir Leonard

    [File type .pdf]

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  188. Cllr. Rory O'Connor

    [File type .pdf]

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  189. StateOfPoll BrayWest Count5

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  190. file:456

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  191. file:456

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