Motor Tax

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Change of Ownership

How to change the ownership of a vehicle.

A new online Change of Vehicle Ownership service has launched. 

This new online service allows private (non-trade) vehicle owners to transfer vehicle registration to another private owner, entirely online.

Previously, anyone transferring ownership of a vehicle would need to post their Vehicle Registration Certificate to the Department of Transport’s offices in Shannon, or visit a motor tax office.

The new service will allow buyers to check vehicle details against the vehicle register. These include make/model, colour, motor tax status, test status, number of previous owners, and whether or not the vehicle was imported. This enables the buyer to get accurate and real-time information about the vehicle before completing the purchase, making the experience more transparent and efficient.

There are approximately one million changes of vehicle ownership per year in Ireland, and half of these tend to be private sales. Sellers and buyers are legally obliged to notify the Department of Transport of changes in vehicle ownership, and details are recorded on the Department’s National Vehicle and Driver File (NVDF).

The Online Change of Vehicle Ownership service can be accessed at or through 

Note: The onus is on the seller to ensure that all necessary paperwork is properly completed and sent to the appropriate office.

Change of ownership prior to first taxing

On the sale of the vehicle to a new owner (other than to a motor dealer) the registered owner selling the vehicle must forward form RF100 and details in writing of the name/address of the new owner and date of transfer of ownership to:

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport,
Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division,
Co. Clare.

(If sale is to a motor dealer, completed form RF105 must be forwarded)

Sale to a private owner

For vehicles registered on or after 1 January 1993:

Both the buyer and the seller must complete the back of the Vehicle Registration Certificate (RF101)

The seller should then post the certificate to:

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport,
Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division,
Co. Clare

where the change of owner will be processed and a Vehicle Registration Certificate will be issued to the new owner.

For vehicles registered before 1 January 1993:

Both the seller and the buyer must complete Form RF200

The seller should submit the form together with the Registration Book (Brown Log Book) to their local motor taxation office.

The local motor tax office will process the Change of Ownership and forward the Registration Book to the new owner.

Sale to a motor dealer

For vehicles registered on or after 1 January 1993:

Both parties must complete a Notification of Transfer of Vehicle Ownership to a Motor Dealer Form RF105. The Vehicle Registration Certificate must be signed by the seller and given to the motor dealer. The owner disposing of the motor vehicle should immediately send the RF105 to:

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport,
Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division,
Co. Clare

For vehicles registered before 1 January 1993

Both parties must complete a Notification of Transfer of Ownership Form RF200. The motor dealer should always insert their Garage Code on the form. The seller then sends the form to their local motor tax office where the motor dealer will be recorded as the registered owner. The Registration (Log) Book should be retained by the motor dealer

Sale to a motor dealer/garage

The motor dealer/garage to whom the vehicle is being sold must have a Garage Code otherwise the “Sale to a Private Owner” procedure must be followed.

For vehicles registered on or after 1 January 1993:

The seller should fully complete Form RF105 with the garage including Garage Code, and give the garage the Vehicle Registration Certificate (RF101).

The seller should then post the RF105 to:

Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport
Co Clare

where the change of owner will be processed and a Vehicle Registration Certificate will be issued to the new owner.

For vehicles registered before 1 January 1993:

The seller should complete form RF200 with the garage ensuring the Garage Code is included, and give the Registration Book (Brown Log Book) to the garage.

The seller should then send the completed RF200 form to their local motor tax office where the change of ownership to the motor dealer will be processed.