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N11/M11 Bus Priority Interim Scheme Update October 2024
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N11/M11 Bus Priority Interim Scheme Update October 2024

Wicklow County Council is progressing the development of the N11/M11 Bus Priority Interim Scheme (N11/M11 BPIS) in partnership with Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, the National Transport Authority and the Department of Transport.

The N11/M11 BPIS aims to deliver bus priority measures (in both directions) on the N11/M11 national road. Priority facilities can be used by buses/coaches to avoid congested traffic lanes and help to reduce the current unsustainable dependency on the private car.

Following a detailed option selection process undertaken in Phase 2, a Public Display of the emerging Preferred Option was held on 12th September 2023 at the Glenview Hotel, Glen of the Downs. It was noted at this display that the design presented was subject to change, pending more detailed assessments, ongoing studies and information received.

This display event was followed by an extensive consultation process, during which many submissions were received from members of the public and interested stakeholders. Details of the display remain available on the project website: www.n11m11bpis.ie

Following the conclusion of this extensive consultation process, all submissions received have been reviewed by the Project Team and are being considered as the design and assessment of the scheme continues to progress. Any additional constraints identified by the public have been documented as required.

A Post Consultation Report, which summarises the issues raised, has been prepared and is now available to view on the project website.

When commenting on the latest project update, Chief Executive of Wicklow County Council Emer O’Gorman said, “Wicklow County Council values the opinion of the community on this project and would like to thank all members of the public, stakeholders, community groups, businesses, and other interested parties for engaging in the public display event.”

Since December 2023, work has been progressing to develop the emerging preferred option in greater detail and to undertake a thorough environmental evaluation of the scheme. This is typically an iterative process, which has taken consideration of the feedback from the September 2023 Public Display and further information gathered from recently undertaken and ongoing environmental, engineering and traffic assessments.

This recent work has brought several factors to light, which have prompted a comprehensive review of the emerging preferred option displayed in September 2023. As an outcome of this review, it has been decided to revisit certain aspects of the Phase 2 option selection assessments previously undertaken. In doing so, the primary aim is to ensure that all information recently gathered is appropriately considered in the options appraisal process, and that the optimum option to deliver the objectives of the project is identified.

Specifically, the reassessment of options currently being undertaken is focussed on Sub-Scheme B, between Junction 6 (Bray/Fassaroe) and Junction 8 (Kilmacanogue). Further details on the options being assessed are presented in the Post Consultation Report.

This work is currently progressing, and following completion of this revisit of Phase 2, details of any revision to the final preferred option will be published. This is expected in late Q1 2025.

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