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Test Page Karen


These guidelines have been prepared to assist housing authorities in the preparation, adoption and implementation of their fifth Traveller accommodation programmes 2019 - 2024 under the Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act, 1998, hereafter referred to as the 1998 Act. The guidelines incorporate specific directions issued by the Minister under the Act, which apply to the accommodation programmes.

The guide covers the various provisions of the 1998 act including:

  • the need for housing authorities prepare and adopt accommodation programmes to meet the existing and projected accommodation needs of Travellers in their areas;
  • the need for broad public consultation in the preparation and amendment of accommodation programmes;
  • the obligations on housing authorities to take appropriate steps to secure implementation of programmes; and
  • the requirement of local authorities to include objectives concerning Traveller accommodation in County and City Development Plans and Local Area Plans

The following table sets out the key dates and main steps leading up to the adoption of accommodation programmes. It incorporates an indicative timescale in respect of the preparation and adoption of the new programme based on the latest date for adoption of the programmes which has been specified by the Minister as 30 September, 2019. Housing authorities are reminded that the adoption of a programme is a reserved function.

Heading (H2)

Help members of the public to scan text - Break text into chunks using short paragraphs, lists and sub-headings in order to help members of the public quickly understand and absorb information. Keep content clear and concise.

  • Use plain English.
  • Avoid technical words, unfamiliar abbreviations or acronyms; also avoid French and Latin expressions.
  • Be consistent with terms throughout your document.
  • Proofread your document to ensure correct spelling and punctuation.

Heading (H2)

Help members of the public to scan text - Break text into chunks using short paragraphs, lists and sub-headings in order to help members of the public quickly understand and absorb information. Keep content clear and concise.

  • Use plain English.
  • Avoid technical words, unfamiliar abbreviations or acronyms; also avoid French and Latin expressions.
  • Be consistent with terms throughout your document.
  • Proofread your document to ensure correct spelling and punctuation.