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N11/M11 Bus Priority Interim Scheme

Wicklow County Council is progressing the development of the N11/M11 Bus Priority Interim Scheme (BPIS) in partnership with Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, the National Transport Authority and the Department of Transport.

The N11/M11 BPIS aims to deliver a practicable interim solution capable of realising bus journey time benefits in the short to medium term. The key strategic goal is to deliver as much contiguous bus priority as practically achievable, such that the transportation deficiencies blighting the corridor could start to be addressed early, in advance of the more comprehensive scheme to follow. The BPIS proposed must also integrate into the preferred option for the more comprehensive N11/M11 Junction 4 to Junction 14 Improvement Scheme.

Submissions will be accepted via the online feedback form available on the project website or by email to or by post addressed to N11/M11 Bus Priority Interim Scheme, Transportation Department, Wicklow County Council, County Buildings, Whitegates, Wicklow Town, A67 FW96. Submissions will be accepted from Monday 28th November 2022 and must be received on or before Thursday 22 December 2022.