
Living  /  Services  /  Planning  /  Development Plans & Strategies  /  National, Regional & County Plans  /  Wicklow County Development Plan 2022 - 2028  /  Stage 1 Pre-draft Public Consultations  /  Town & Village Plans  /  Baltinglass



Historically the settlement of Baltinglass developed around the market square, with development spreading out to the east and west along the R747, forming the existing town centre. A particularly important landmark is Quinn’s Mart Site on Mill Street to the north of the town. The town contains a significant amount of natural, archaeological and built heritage; including the archaeological sites of the Baltinglass Hills, Baltinglass Abbey and St.Mary’s Church, the River Slaney Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and buildings of architectural and historical merit, many of which are located in the town centre. The town’s rich and historic heritage makes a significant contribution to its distinct character. The land zoned in the current County Development Plan has potential to accommodate approximately 521 residential units. The Council recently made an application for funding under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund for Baltinglass rejuvenation project. The Fund was established to provide investment to support renewal, strengthen and build resilience in communities and assist in regeneration. If successful the funding will help address the decline of the town centre, improve the public realm, rationalise car parking, create an attractive environment, incentivise new business and ensure that the existing building stock is utilised thereby creating a vibrant town centre.

What do you think?

  • How would you like Baltinglass to develop in the future?
  • What do you think are the main issues facing Baltinglass and how should these be addressed in the development plan?
  • Are there opportunities for regeneration and infill?