
Living  /  Services  /  Planning  /  Development Plans & Strategies  /  National, Regional & County Plans  /  Wicklow County Development Plan 2022 - 2028  /  Stage 1 Pre-draft Public Consultations  /  Town & Village Plans  /  Donard



Donard is a historic settlement located in West Wicklow. Its identity and sense of place is very much informed by its strong heritage.  The historic centre includes the remains of a monastic site, parts of a motte-and-bailey, the triangular green and nineteenth century architecture. It has a range of commercial and community facilities and provides services to a wider rural catchment than the town itself and it is therefore important that it remains viable.  The land zoned in the current County Development Plan has potential to accommodate approximately 37 residential units.

What do you think?

  • How would you like Donard to develop in the future?
  • What do you think are the main issues facing Donard and how should these be addressed in the development plan?
  • Do you think Donard has capacity to accommodate new housing development? If so, what type of development?