Carnew is a small rural town located on the R725 which connects Gorey and Carlow. Considering the town’s location at the juncture of Wicklow, Wexford and Carlow, it is inevitable that the town has strong socio-economic and cultural links with the adjoining counties. The urban form of the town provides for an expansive Main Street, with wide footpaths, laid out in a linear format. In addition to the prominent location of the Church of Ireland, these features make up a conventional ‘Landlord Town’, built throughout Ireland during the 1800s. Development in Carnew has been limited over recent years and this is reflected in the population. The CSO revealed that the population of Carnew[1] had declined from 1,091 to 1,052 persons between 2011 and 2016. The land zoned in the current County Development Plan has potential to accommodate approximately 365 residential units. The economic development strategy of the current development plan is to take advantage of the existing economic assets in order to stimulate employment within the area and increase the jobs ratio by 50% by 2028.
[1] CSO town boundary
What do you think?
- How would you like Carnew to develop in the future?
- What do you think are the main issues facing Carnew and how should these be addressed in the development plan?
- Is there a demand for new housing? If so, what type?